In the academic field, my skills in research (publications), third-party funding and teaching are valued above all, but how do I sell my skills outside the academic context?
You do not (yet) see an alternative perspective for yourself in industry and business? As experts in their fields, many scientists have the impression that the skills and competencies they acquired during and after their studies / doctorate have no market value outside of academia.
Explore career opportunities both within and outside of academia by identifying and targeting existing and transferable skills.
The workshop enables participants to develop their own qualification profile and career motives and compare them to career requirements and different career options.
By providing an overview of career needs and career paths within and outside academic institutions, this workshop contributes to well-informed decision making.
Nowadays, written and oral self-presentation is essential for a fulfilling professional career. It is no longer enough to be good; it is more important and necessary for others to experience it as well.
What is self-marketing and how does it work? When and where are which strategies of self-presentation appropriate? These should be tailored to the respective professional context, since the rules
of the game in science, industry or other occupational fields are very different.
In this workshop you will prepare yourself strategically and effectively for your personal application.
After graduation, many scientists face the challenge of pursuing their individual career path. In order to be able to make a well-considered decision, you should first get a good overview of the relevant job market. But how do you find the information and contacts you need?
This workshop enables participants to deal with the topic of networking in an academic and non-academic context and to establish and expand personal strategic networking.